About Us
Al's Alley was created in 2019 by Alitia Crismond as a way for her to share so many of her fun makes with the community. She then began printing her own fabric. Unfortunately Alitia passed in March 2023.
I'm Jen! I found Al's Alley in March 2021 when a fellow member shared a custom she had Alitia make over on a mutual page. I joined the Admin team in the summer of 2022 and Alitia and I began talking about a partnership in December 2022 when she was considering the possibility of closing down due to the physical constraints. Prior to finding the custom fabric world, I was working as a restaurant manager. When covid hit it finally forced me to learn how my machine worked and by December, the restaurant industry was so fucked, I left for my own mental health. I had opened a business page that September with my Mom and Aunt and began doing Farmers Markets. I have been moming and sewing full time ever since. I am married with 2 boys and a dog. Don't ask me which ones my favorite, because it changes everyday and the dog usually wins 😅 The boys hold their titles of 1st born and 2nd born proudly. I am fairly certain the youngest thinks hes invincible. I am a Disney fanatic, and 200% sure my husband would have run the otherway had he fully understood what that meant.
I operate mostly by myself. The Admins/Moderators/Group Experts are absolute life savers. I try my best to respond to everyone right away, but sometimes I will open the message or notification and then someone hurls themselves off the couch or kicks someone in the face, or needs help finding the ketchup right on the door in the same spot it always is or loses their ball under the couch and despite the 7 other identical balls, thats the one they need. If I dont answer a question or left you on "read" for more than 6 hours, PLEASE feel free to give me a nudge to bring it back to the foreground.
This business is heavily supported by our Facebook page. If you are on Facebook, please take the time to join our group to get he full experience ❤️Be sure to head over to the featured section for all the details and check out the group rules to familiarize yourself with how we do things here! ❤️
I appreciate each and every one of you, and look forward to continuing this journey together